1. Who is this Course For00:03:10
2. How To Follow This Course00:07:48
3. Environment Setup00:04:48
4. Hello World – First Program00:06:25
5. Variables in JavaScript00:17:49
6. Naming Conversion00:05:25
7. Comments00:05:3
8. Connecting to HTML00:07:29
9. What is Data Types00:08:48
10. Primitive Data Types00:12:42
11. typeof Operator00:08:02
12. Type Conversion00:17:13
13. Number and Math Methods00:29:26
14. String Methods00:25:28
15. What is Array00:06:02
16. Array Traversing00:11:11
17. Array Manipulation00:15:17
18. Multidimensional Array00:05:50
19. Arithmetic Operator00:08:43
20. Comparison Operator00:12:14
21. Logical Operator00:09:48
22. Assignment Operator00:06:56
23. Ternary Operator00:03:11
24. Understanding Control Structure00:03:14
25. If Statements00:04:00
26. If Else Statements00:01:57
27. If Else Statements00:03:46
28. Switch Statements00:09:19
29. What is Loops00:05:53
30. For Loops00:13:27
31. While Loops00:07:46
32. Do While Loops00:03:24
33. Nested Loops00:05:09
34. For of Loops00:02:39
35. What is Function00:03:30
36. Declare and Invoke00:07:19
37. Parameter vs Arguments00:04:14
38. return Keyword00:04:01
39. Function Expression00:03:16
40. Intro to Object Literal00:11:13
41. Property and Methods00:09:37
42. Delete a Property00:03:22
43. Comparing Object00:02:56
44. Iteration Through Properties00:04:51
45. What is DOM00:04:24
46. DOM Selection00:11:11
47. DOM Manipulation00:22:29
48. Events00:12:34
49. Intro to Problem Solving00:12:03
50. Problem Solving with JavaScript00:14:03